Maine Hut to Hut

Yes we picked the coldest weekend of the winter for our backcountry adventure. I learned that I only need the clothes I would wear on the coldest day ever, not more, that I am a ‘plan b’ person and this throws me into a survival mode that is less playful more cautious, and that spending time outdoors in this beauty is worth it. The images are courtesy of Toni, bless her for taking hands out of gloves to capture them. The gps maps of our second (13.5 miles) and third day (8 miles) skis courtesy of Reynold. Lastly, toe warmers and Zwack save the day.

Joshua Tree/desert scapes

Underwater-like Cholla Garden
Underwater-like Cholla Garden

The Mojave meets the Colorado desert in Joshua Tree National Park and the change in flora and terrain is marked. It makes for an experience that has you at one moment on the set of Star Trek amongst boulders in a planetary landing and the next swallowed up in an underwater-like Cholla Garden.

California coast

After getting our first snow yesterday revisiting the textures of our recent CA visit feels right. Crystal Cove is a magical preserve, a state park, and a gem in SoCal. There were seals playing in the water, pelicans diving in the surf and Whimbrels and Godwits working the beach, we were too. This rock pictured above, or time portal:) as one friend suggested, must be how the beach got its name for it is criss-crossed in what looks to be quartz crystal. Click on the image to see the detail. Crystal or no crystal if all felt magical to me, a ‘time out’ portal if nothing else, sweet.

New Year

The World I Live In

I have refused to live
locked in the orderly house of

reasons and proofs;

The world I live in and believe in

is wider than that. And anyway.

what’s wrong with Maybe?

You wouldn’t believe what once or

twice I have seen. I’ll just

tell you this:

only if there are angels in your head will you

ever, possibly, see one.

—Mary Oliver, Felicity

East Coast Sunrise

I caught the East Coast sunrise this past weekend as I drove to Wellfleet to bring CAMP on the road. We have a new image of Neptune surfing the waves. It’s part of CAMP’s Mash-Up series, images created using one or more different images. I took Neptune’s photo in the Alcázar de Seville gardens in Spain. (He was kind enough to pose for me) And ‘the wave’ is of course Hokusai’s masterpiece.

The line art series was also in attendance with Lobster, Oyster(a Wellfleet favorite) and Tuna Tail… or ‘the one that got away’.



Inspiration: Beauty

I created this area to share some of my travels, art, photography & craft. The play that inspires me. For more of my paintings and crafts, you can visit me at what flow looks like today